Your favourite virtue ::
Honesty, dedication.
Your favourite qualities in a man ::
Humour, people who say what they think, liveliness
Your favourite qualities in a woman ::
See above
Your favourite occupation ::
Spending days the way I want it.
Your idea of happiness ::
Those moments when everything is just right
Your idea of misery ::
Being alone / losing the ability to see or hear.
If not yourself, who would you be ::
Probably an improved version of myself
Where would you like to live ::
Haven’t decided yet.
Your favourite colour and flower ::
Green / black, no favorite flower
Your favourite prose authors ::
Eugen Egner, Albert Camus
Your favourite poets ::
Charles Baudelaire
Your favourite heroes in fiction ::
Your favourite heroines in fiction ::
Your favourite painters and composers ::
Karl-Heinz Stockhausen
Your favourite heroes in real life ::
Your favourite heroines in real life ::
What character(s) in history do you most dislike ::
The ones probably most dislike. The ones that would do anything to reach their goals.
Your favourite food and drink ::
Food: Fruits and salads.
Drinks: Gunpowder, Coke, Gin Tonic.
Your favourite names ::
Haven’t thought of any yet.
Your pet peeve (something that easily annoys you)::
The change you most anticipate::
All those positive changes in life which just happen to you while you least expect them.
A gift of nature which I would like to have ::
Ever since I was a small boy, the ability of flying on my own
How I would like to die ::
In peace and without pain, among the loved ones.
What is your present state of mind ::
Of what fault are you most tolerant ::
Your favourite motto ::
I don’t have one.
25 mars 2008
Sandro Boege is a musician and a photographer, currently living in Cologne.
website :: New Dehli FM
website :: discogs
website :: IMGLRY
:: the questionnaire is based on the original "questionnaire of marcel proust", created by antoinette faure around 1890