Your favourite virtue ::
Your favourite qualities in a man ::
Imagination, kindness.
Your favourite qualities in a woman ::
Imagination, kindness.
Your favourite occupation ::
Any creative work.
Your idea of happiness ::
A balanced use of my time for family, friends and work.
Your idea of misery ::
Not having a place to sleep or food to eat on a regular basis.
If not yourself, who would you be ::
Sometimes I’d like to be myself but with a regular 8:00 to 17:00 job.
Where would you like to live ::
Downtown in Madrid or any other nice city.
Your favourite colour and flower ::
Today they would be light blue and iris germanica.
Your favourite prose authors ::
Paul Auster, Haruki Murakami, José Saramago.
Your favourite poets ::
Ángel González.
Your favourite heroes in fiction ::
Fox Mulder, Jimmy Corrigan.
Your favourite heroines in fiction ::
Dana Sculli, Arya Stark.
Your favourite painters and composers ::
Zobel, Wassily Kandinsky, David Carson, Brian Eno, Brian Wilson.
Your favourite heroes in real life ::
Steve Jobs-Steve Wozniak, Steven Holl.
Your favourite heroines in real life ::
Ray Eames, Mónica.
What character(s) in history do you most dislike ::
Francisco Franco.
Your favourite food and drink ::
Cocido madrileño (my grandma’s if possible), horchata.
Your favourite names ::
Maybe Ana.
Your pet peeve (something that easily annoys you) ::
Fruit that doesn’t taste like it’s supposed to.
The change you most anticipate ::
I anticipate a lot of changes, but reality is stubborn.
A gift of nature which I would like to have ::
Some extra gigabytes for my long-term memory would be nice.
How I would like to die ::
Knowing that I’ve done some good things that the rest of the people will enjoy.
What is your present state of mind ::
I’m relaxed and a little optimistic.
Of what fault are you most tolerant ::
I can’t stand the lack of honesty. Other than that I’m very tolerant.
Your favourite motto ::
“If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change.” (Tancredi Falconeri in “Il gattopardo”)
28 juillet 2008
"Javier Rubio is a musician and architect. He founded with Mónica García an architecture office in Madrid (cómo crear historias) for designing spaces, objects and sounds."
website :: cómo crear historias
website :: myspace
website :: discogs
:: the questionnaire is based on the original "questionnaire of Marcel Proust", created by Antoinette Faure around 1890